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About  Founder

Hi! I'm Sharon Wade, the CEO and founder of Inner & Outer Beauty Woman. I help women in spiritual and personal development, also in Beauty and Business. I am a life transformational speaker, Co-Pastor, and cosmetologist. Loving   people and  adding value to them is my mandate. After founding my first salon, it was then and there that I saw the hurt women can carry, and the extreme efforts to cover it.  The pain heard from them as they sat in my chair for their beauty service,  changed my life forever. I had a true  awakening; I knew an  Outer beauty  service alone would not heal their shattered hearts. My calling was much deeper then a hairstyle, and my salon was not just an ordinary salon.

God then guided me  on how to speak to their pain,  show them how to extract  purpose, passion, and peace from their pain. Uncover hidden treasures within themselves, know their worth, and be all they were born to be.

Women begin leaving the salon with not only beautiful hair, nails, and  skin but they were leaving healed  on the inside. This was the birthing of Inner and Outer Beauty.  I  am now committed to encouraging and empowering women to build a strong relationship with God, their families,, cultivate their inner and outer beauty, build  businesses,  impact generations,  serve and fulfill their life's purpose. 






My Message to Women

Know your worth! Do not sell out to the carnality of this world instead be clothed in virtue, dignity, and strength. Inside of you are hidden treasures, inside of you is everything you need to live your life to the fullest. Trust God and  live  graciously.  



My Beliefs


  • I believe with God all things are possible.

  • I believe obstacles are opportunities for me to grow.

  • I believe a healthy response to stress promotes youthful aging.

  • I believe we should live out our purpose,  and die empty.




From the inside out!

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